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Under 10's

Narrandjeri Stadium,


Term 2 competition starts Thursday, 1st May.

Enter your team by 25th April

Team fee: $900

Duration: 10 week


Under 12's & 14's

Venue to be 


Term 2 competition starts 

Friday, 2nd May.

Enter your team by 25th April

Team fee: $900

Duration: 10 week


Team Registration

Team manager to register and
pay team fee:

Club Account: FUTURE FUTSAL INC  BSB: 633-000  
Account: 139384598

Transaction description: 
Team Name

Note: One group payment per team (not individual payments).

Team Registration

When should I make the payment for the team registration?

The team registration must be paid in full; individual payments will not be accepted. The team manager should make this payment, using the bank description as the TEAM NAME. Please wait for team confirmation via email.


What is futsal?

Futsal is Tiki Taka game, Full of fantastic goals, on pitch of 40m x 20m, game of 5 vs 5, teams consist of 14 players with rolling substitutions, 5 referees control the match' Referee 1, Referee 2, 3 Official, Time Keeper and Reserve Referee, Futsal match is 2 x 20 minutes, Time Keeper stops clock when ball is out play and restarts clock when ball is play,Restart of play from side is kick in,  Goal Clearance is via hands, Kick INs, Goal Clearance , Free Kick, Indirect Free Kicks and Corners must be taken with in 4 seconds, Each team has 5 fouls before next foul becomes a 10m pental kick, after red card is shown player must leave pitch and will not take part in match, team will play down a player for 2 minutes or until the opposition scores a goal.


What rules does Future Futsal use for competitions - We follow FIFA LOTG with some club by laws. Teams please read the LOTG for Futsal


What does Future Futsal provide - We provide training and competitions to players. Please note that training is not part of competitions program. Training sessions go for 1 hour session to provide skills, teaching of futsal game and match play. Competitions run as follows: Summer - Term 1, Autumn - Term 2, Winter - Term 3, Spring - Term 4.


Role of team manager - Team Manager is to provide information towards team, sending out when fixture match is on, organized team kit (colours), team list for competition, fill in team sheet on match day and coordinate payment for team as whole not individual players.


Role of coach - To provide tips for players, to coach the team on certain strategies for match and to see when substitutions should occur during match.


Registering a team - Team registration is when you fill in the form and you must complete each required section.


Team payments - When making payment to club account for competition, we will only accept one transaction per team (individual player payments will not be accepted). Please coordinate Team Payment with your Team Manager.


Team Kits - Each team playing in our competition must have kit to play in. The kits must have numbers on back shirt for player identification during the match. Please note that BLACK kits are not allowed as Referees primary colour is BLACK. If you need to get a team kit we can assist with supply for your team, please contact Competitions Coordinator to organise your kits.


Referees - Our referees are from FV Futsal Referees department, they are state level referees, while some are National Level Referees.


Public Holidays - Fixtures will not be scheduled on Public Holidays (ie. falling on Thursday or Friday competition)


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